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Le Soleil is a summery and warm experience to counteract the days and rainy moods. Learn to relax with the warm notes of Jasmine, Monoï and Vanilla and gain in tone and vitality.

Amazonite is linked directly to the throat chakra, but also has connections to the heart and 3rd eye chakras. Its soothing properties and harmonizing will help you balance stress and mood swings as well as how to deal with inner conflicts. She confers calm, relaxation and allows anchoring and concentration on the present moment, removing anxieties, insomnia and nightmares as well as negative energies.


All candles are handmade, in soy wax with scented oils certified free of CMR, phthalates and animal materials.


Since the stones are unique, the candles you receive will be slightly different than those shown in the photos above.


NB: Your candles can contain between 1 and 3 tumbled stones according to their sizes and weights. Large and heavy stones could prevent an optimal combustion of the candle.

LE SOLEIL "Harmony and Vitality" - Amazonite, Jasmine, Monoï & Vanilla

SKU: 0007
PriceFrom €35.00
Out of Stock
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